Thursday, July 4, 2013

Paradise on The Sea

İzmir, one of the oldest cities in the world, is still a bustling, exciting, and fun coastal town. There is a bustling nightlife around Alsanjak, historical ruins across town, and winding, crowded neighborhoods in Konak, where my family's house is. Though İ've only spent a week here, I already feel right at home. My family, though we are missing my host brother and father for the time being, is one of The nicest groups of people İve known. Most importantly, they make amazing food.
First of all, portions here are big, And İ mean supersize big. The picture below was something My mom made For me when İ was a little hungry one night.
Secondly, The food here is some of the best food you can have. Everything is fresh, And İve yet to have a bad meal in this country. İzmir is famous for its olives, And although İ was not a fan of 'em before İ came here, İ now cherish them as much as The yoğurt, which is present at every meal!
Anothet great part of this city is the people, who are all friendly And warm. Many people speak english, And if they dont they just smile at you And ask simple questions. İ wish i could blog more, but i need to sleep! People here go to bed after midnight every night, And İve been joining them!! So il leave you with this inadequate And badly Shelley (Turkish autocorrect!!) sample of İzmir, And i promise to blog again soon!

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